Daily Horoscope of Capricorn day Thursday 04/18/2024

horoscopo daily-horoscope capricorn

While it can be a strong day for making a deeper connection with someone special in your life, dear Capricorn, you might be taken aback by the power of emotions stimulated now. You are known for your powerful emotions, but today you seem to be switching roles with someone else - you are a little more rational and others tend to be more intense today. Avoid harping on differences in a relationship and instead aim to learn from them, as this is the best route towards increased intimacy. If someone is pulling up strong feelings inside of you, consider this a chance to understand yourself better. However, try not to bring relationship issues to professional settings, as there is a chance that something comes out that you'd prefer to keep to yourself.

Lucky number:

« 7 »

Lottery number:

2 - 3 - 14 - 23 - 24 - 38

Color of the day:

    Sky blue    

  • Cheers salud-de-capricorn
  • Money dinero-de-capricorn
  • Love amor-de-capricorn

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