1. Objective
The objective of our privacy policy is respecting and applying the whole legislation in use on the subject of data protection, as well as giving the bigger information on all the rights that help him on the subject of privacy and concession of data to the user personal character or other ones, which is why we request you Leo carefully this post office box, most of all before confirming his outburst to the areas in which needs to give it to his data the object of getting registered or to obtain any service, and giving his express authorization for the treatment and concession of his data to Syselec Software Solutions.
2. Anonymous navigation through the web page.
Syselec stores information of traffic for the sake of improving the functioning and the service that he renders. The storage process of said information comes true of automatic way. This includes statistics related with the navigation of the users. The obtained information is totally anonymous, and in no case it can be associated to a concrete and identified user.
3. Navigation with Cookies.
Syselec will be able to pick up information through devices like cookies or card indexes log on the navigation of his users for this website. These devices become exclusively a member of an only user and its own personal computer. In such a case, Syselec only will use these data in aggregate with the ultimate goal of improving his services.
4. Treatment of the data of personal character.
Keeping Constitutional Law 15/1999, of protective December 13 of Datos of Personal Carácter, we report to him that the personal details that he supplies us through this web site will be treated of completely confidential way and they will get to be a part of a digital card index whose entitlement will be Syselec Software Solutions, S.L.. The personal details that he facilitates will be used only for the fringe benefit of the service offered through the portal, as well as for the informing shipment that the User had been able to request.
Just the same, we report to him that 15/1999, of protective December 13 of Datos of Personal Carácter can exercise your access rights, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with what's foreseen in Constitutional Law, mailing mail a certified letter along with a photocopy of your IDENTITY CARD, to the following direction: Syselec Software Solutions, S.L.
The User guarantees Syselec that the supplied Personal Details are truthful and he becomes responsible to modify and or communicating any change that takes place in the same. The User will be the only responsible one of any damage or damage, direct or indirect, than may cause to Syselec Software Solutions, Limited Company or to any third party because of the supply of false, erroneous or non-updated data.
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