This document regulates the use of the web site you have consented to which is property of the company Syselec Software Solutions S.L.
The use of this web site supposes the acceptance on behalf of the user of all and every one of the dispositions included in the present document. In the event the user that consents to the same any one of The General or Particular conditions of use here established he will not have to use or accessing this web site..
Syselec holds back the right of modifying present General Conditions of use of the web site at any time, as well as any other General or Particular Conditions, Reglamentos of use or ads that result from his application. Syselec reserves the right to stop, interrupting or stopping the web site to operate at any time. The user will have to read the present document completely in the event he intends to use the place since this can suffer modifications..
Those natural persons or juridical the residents that have domicile in other countries of the European Union or are out of her will have to make sure that the outburst at the present time web site and their content is allowed to them according to its own legislation. Anyway, in the event an user consents or use the place and that he does not keep the requirement of residence in Spain will be understood that it is accomplishing it on its own responsibility, dismissing Syselec of every responsibility inasmuch as applicable laws allow you.
Through this web site, Syselec gives outburst to the Users to various contents, services, information and data (from now on Contents) and that they are set at the service of the users by third parties than actuán like suppliers of the quoted services and contents. Syselec reserves the right to modify the aspect and presentation of the place, his configuration and location at any time, as well as the Contents and the conditions demanded for the use of the same. Across-the-board, the present the web site offers your Services without requiring the subscription or I search about of the Users.
3,1. Outburst and utilization of the Portal. The User recognizes and agrees that the outburst and use of the website and or of the included Contents in the same he has free place and consciously, under his exclusive responsibility. The outburst to the website and or to the included Contents in the same does not imply no kind of assurance in relation to the idoneity of the Portal and or of the included Contents in the same for particular intentions ó specific of the Users. Syselec will be able to establish limitations and or additional conditions for the use and or outburst to the Website and or they will have to be to the Contents, which observed by the Users in any case..
The whole information that the User facilitates will have to be veracious. To these effects, the User guarantees the authenticity of all those data that he communicates as a consequence of the cumplimentation of the necessary fill-out forms for the subscription of the Services, outburst to contents or areas restricted of the Portal. Just the same, Syselec permanently informed with the latest news will be the User's responsibility to maintain the whole information made easy for so that he answers, at every turn, the User's real situation. In any case the User will be the false or inexact public demonstrations'the only responsible one that he realizes and of the damages that causes Syselec or to third parties for the information that he facilitates.
In order to make use of Services minors should obtain permission of their parents, tutors or legal representatives, those who will be considerate persons in charge of all the acts accomplished by the minors in your care previously. The complete responsibility in the determination of the concrete contents and Servicios the minors consent to corresponds to the majors to whose position they meet. As Internet makes the outburst possible to contents that can not be appropriate for minors, gets information to the Users that there are mechanisms, in particular software of filter and blockage, that they allow limiting the available contents and, although they do not prove to be infallible, come from special benefit to control and restricting the materials that can come over the minors.
3.2. Authorized use of the Portal and of the Contents. The contents that you (User) will be able to see can include texts, images or other materials for adults. Those contents are guided specifically to elderly adults and that, according to the legislation applicable, they have full capacity in order to access products related with the sex. The outburst becomes definitively prohibited to those materials for those who do not keep those two requirements. If you disobey any of those requirements you are bound to go out, to disconnect or to close the web immediately.
The User commits himself to do a Website's adequate and licit use and of the Contents, in accordance with the applicable Legislation, present General Uso's Conditions of the Website, the morality and good generally accepted manners and law and order. The User will have to abstain of:
1. Doing a non-authorized or fraudulent use of the website and or of the Contents with intentions or illicit effects, prohibited in the Legal present Aviso, harmful of the rights and third-party interests, or that they can anyway damage, disabling, overloading, deteriorating or impeding the normal utilization of the Services, the data processing equipments or the documents, archives and all kind of contents stored in any data processing equipment
2. Consenting or trying to agree to resources or areas restricted of the website, without keeping the conditions demanded for said outburst;
3. Provoking damages in the physical systems or of Syselec, of his suppliers or third-party;
4. Introducing or spreading out in the net information-technology virus or anyone other physical systems or that they are susceptible from provoking damages in the physical systems or of Syselec, of his suppliers or third-party,
5. Trying to consent, using and or manipulating Syselec's data, purveying third parties and other users;
6. Reproducing or copying, distributing, enabling the outburst of the public through any variety of public communication, transforming or modifying Contents, unless he counts on the authorization of the headline of the corresponding rights or it work out legally allowed;
7. Suppressing, hiding or manipulating the notes on intellectual property rights or industrialist and other identificational data of the rights of Syselec or third-party incorporated to the Contents, as well as the technical protective devices or anyone mechanisms informing that can insert themselves in the Contents;
8. Obtaining and trying to obtain Contents using for it means or different procedures of the that, according to the cases, they had gone down at your disposal for that purpose or it had indicated myself specifically in the web pages where they find Contents or, in general, of the that they use themselves habitually in Internet not to entail a risk of damage or the Website's damage and or of the Contents.
9. In particular, and to merely indicative title and exhaustive no, the User he commits himself not to transmit, to spread out or to put reports, data, contents, messages, graphics, drawings, sound archives at the disposal of third parties and or image, photos, recordings, software and, in general, whatever kind of material than:
(a) Anyway be contrary, underestimate or act in violation of the fundamental rights and the public freedoms recognized constitutionally, in the International Treaties and in the rest of the legislation;
(b) Induce, incite or promote criminal behaviors, denigratorias, defamatory, outrageous, violent or, in general, contrary to law, to morality and good generally accepted manners or to law and order;
(c) Induce, incite or promote behaviors, attitudes or discriminatory thoughts on account of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition;
(d) Incorporate, afford or allow agreeing to products, elements, messages and or criminal, violent, offensive, noxious, degrading services or, in general, contrary to law, to morality and to the good generally accepted manners or to law and order;
(e) Induce or may induce to an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear;
(f) Induce or incite to embark in dangerous, risk or noxious practices for health and the psychic equilibrium;
3,3. Introduction of Links. Those Users that wish to establish a hyper-link, he laces or link between their website and Syselec's website (the Link) will have to obtain Syselec's previous authorization, presenting a request to the following email address webmaster arroba, getting fastened to the fulfillment of the following obligations:
1. The Link only will permit the outburst to the Website, but will not be able to reproduce it in no way;
2. Links with other different pages of the homepage (homepage) of the Portal will not establish themselves;
3. Environment on the Portal will not create a frame neither a border itself;
4. Public demonstrations or false, inexact or incorrect indications on the Website will not come true;
5. No se declarará ni dará a entender que Syselec ha supervisado o asumido de cualquier forma los contenidos o servicios ofrecidos o anunciados en el Website en el que se establece el Link;
6. The Website in which the Link establishes himself will not contain any check marks, commercial name, sign of establishment, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Syselec and or to third parties, without his authorization;
7. The Portal in which the Link establishes himself will not contain reports or illicit contents, opposites to morality and good generally accepted manners and to law and order, or opposites to anyone rights of third parties. The Link's establishment does not suppose the relational existence in no case someone, enter Syselec and the owner and or operator of the Website in which he establishes himself, neither the knowledge, acceptance and or approval on behalf of Syselec of his contents and or services. Syselec in no case will answer for the consequences that can come from the introduction of Links on behalf of third parties, neither of the contents, information and or services offered in the websites in which the Link had established himself.
In order to consent and to use restricted-access areas, the Users will have to get registered with previous character refilling a fill-out form (the Fill-Out Form of Registro) that appear in in each case the Portal. Syselec holds back the right of agreeing or refusing the application for registration of any Usuario freely. The data introduced by the Users in the Fill-Out Form of Registro will have to be exact, present-day and truthful all the times, and they will be processed by Syselec in the way indicated in the privacy policy.
The Booked In Users will be responsible all the times of the custody of their password, assuming in consequence anyone damages and losses that can come from their misapplication, as well as of the concession, revelation or misplacement of the same. To these effects, the outburst to restricted areas and or the use of the Contents accomplished under the key of a Booked In User will repute themselves accomplished for the aforementioned Usuario Booked In, who will respond in every case of said outburst and use. The Booked In Users will be able to modify their exclusive key at any time such and as it is indicated in the Website. In case of oversight of the key or any other circumstance that supposes a risk of outburst and or utilization on behalf of non-authorized third parties, the Booked In Users will have to communicate it immediately to Syselec so that this proceeds immediately to the blockage and substitution of the same.
The User recognizes and agrees that all the industrial property rights and intellectual on the Contents and or anyone other elements inserted in the website (including without limitation, check marks, logos, commercial names, texts, images, graphics, designs, sounds, data bases, software, flow charts, presentation, look and feel, audio and video), they belong to Syselec and or to third parties. In no case the outburst to the Website implies no kind of renunciation, transmission, license or total neither partial concession of said rights, unless the opposite becomes established specifically. Present General Uso's Conditions of the Website do not confer the Users no other right of utilization, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or the Website's public communication and or of its different Contents of the here specifically foreseen. Any other use or right-hand exploitation of anyone will be fastened to the previous and express authorization specifically granted for that purpose by Syselec or the third headline of the affected rights.
Syselec authorizes the Users to use, to visualize, to print, to unload and to store Contents and or the elements inserted in the Website exclusively for his personal, private and non-profit use; Provided that in any case the origin is indicated and or author of the same and that, in his case, appear from the symbol the copyright and or notes of industrial property of your headlines. The utilization of such elements becomes definitively prohibited, her reproduction, communication and or distribution with commercial or lucrative intentions, as well as her modification, alteration, or descompilation. For any other different use of the specifically allowed, it will be necessary to obtain the previous consent for paper of the headline of the rights that he talks to each other.
In order to use some of Services ó agreeing to given contents, Users should provide Syselec certain data of personal character previously. Syselec puts at the service of the User his protective politics of personal details in the post office box privacy policy that is in the Website.
The User recognizes and accepts that Syselec will be able to use cookies when an User sails across the Website. Them Syselec's cookies associate with only an anonymous User and your computer and do not provide references that they enable deducing personal details of the User. The User will be able to configure his browser in order that he notifies and refuse the installation of them cookies sent by Syselec, without it the possibility of the User of agreeing to the Contents.
8.1 Exclusión of guarantees and of responsibility for the functioning of the Portal. Syselec does not guarantee availability and continuity of the functioning of the Website or of those other websites a Link had established himself with. In like manner, Syselec will not be in no responsible case for anyone damages and losses that can derive of:
1.La is missing of availability or accessibility to the Website or to those other sites a Link had established himself with;
2.La interruption in the functioning of the Website or information-technology failures, telephone damages, disconnections, delays or blockages caused by deficiencies or surcharges in the telephone lines, in the system of Internet or in other electronic systems produced in the course of his functioning;
3.La is absent of the Website for the specific needs of the Users and;
4.Otros damages that can be caused by third persons by means of non-authorized someone else's interferences to Syselec's control;
With the aim of decreasing the risk of introduction of ND virus the Website, Syselec uses programs finding of virus to control all the Contents that introduces in the Website. Nevertheless, Syselec does not guarantee the absence of virus neither of other elements in the Website introduced by someone else's third parties to Syselec that they can produce alterations in the physical systems or logicians of the Users or in the electronic documents and card indexes once your systems were kept in. In consequence, Syselec will not be in no responsible case of anyone damages and losses of every nature that can come from the presence of virus or other elements that can produce alterations in the physical systems or logicians, electronic documents or card indexes of the Users.
Syselec embraces various protection measures to protect the Website and the Contents against information-technology third-party attacks. Nevertheless, Syselec does not guarantee that the non-authorized third parties may have access to the type of use of the Website that use makes the User or conditions, characteristics and circumstances which it comes true in said. In consequence, Syselec will not be in no responsible case of the damages and damages that can come from said unauthorized entry.
8.2 Exclusión of guarantees and of responsibility for the utilization of the Portal of the services and of the contents for the Users. Syselec will not become responsible in no case of the use than Users and or third parties may make of the Website or Contents, neither of the damages and losses that can derive of the same. Syselec does not have obligation to control and does not control the utilization that Users do of the Website and of the Services. In particular, Syselec does not guarantee that Users use the Website, Services and the Contents in accordance with the Legal present Aviso and, in his case, with The Particular conditions that result from application, not even if make it out of speedy and prudent way. Syselec DOES NOT HAVE TO verify and does not verify the identity of the Users, neither the veracity, validity, exhaustivity and or authenticity of the data that Users provide on themselves Syselec and to other Users. Syselec excludes any responsibility for the damages and losses of every nature that can should to the utilization of the services and of the contents on behalf of the users or that can owe to the lack of veracity, validity exhaustivity m and or authenticity of the information that users provide about themselves and in particular although no of exclusive way, for the damages and losses of every nature that can be owed to the supplantation of the personality of a third made by an user in whatever kind of communication accomplished through the portal.
8.3 Exclusión of guarantees and of responsibility for the Contents. Syselec does not publish the Contents of third parties published in the Website and in consequence, does not guarantee neither he becomes responsible of licitness, reliability, benefit, veracity, accuracy, exhaustivity and present time of said Contents. Syselec will not be in no responsible case of anyone damages and losses that can derive of: 1.La is missing of licitness, reliability, benefit, veracity, accuracy, exhaustivity, and or present time of the Contents originated by third parties; 2.La inadequacy for any purpose and the fraud of the expectations generated by the Contents; 3. Decisions or actions taken or avoided on behalf of the User relying on the information or data facilitated or provided in the Contents, including without limitation the loss of benefits or entrepreneurial opportunities.
8.4 Exclusión of guarantees and of responsibility relating to the Links. The Website puts at the service of the dispositive technical Users of link, directories and tools of search than allow to the Users accessing pages and or websites belonging to and or negotiated for third parties. Syselec does not check the existing content in the aforementioned pages the moment that he establishes a link to them same and makes it in the belief in good faith that such contents fulfill the applicable legislation. Nevertheless, in no case, Syselec becomes responsible, passes, neither appropriates for himself products, services, contents, information, data, archives and whatever kind of existing material in such web pages and does not control neither he becomes responsible, approves or appropriates for himself the successive modifications of the aforementioned materials. Syselec does not guarantee neither assumes no kind of responsibility for the damages and losses of every shade and hue that they can owe themselves to:
(B) The informational maintenance, contents and existing services in the sites than somehow himself encontraren laced;
(C) The fringe benefit or informational transmission, contents and existing services in the linked sites;
(D) quality, licitness, reliability and benefit of the information contained and existing services in the sites laced, in the same terms and with the same reach arranged in respect of the contents and of the services rendered by third parties through the portal.
In the event that that way he values it opportune or be him required for court order or white-collar worker, Syselec will remove the links to those web pages that infringe the applicable legislation and or encroach rights of third parties on.
The Moneylender of the Service or contents obliges himself to no:
1. Obtaining data of the users with publicity purpose and to remit publicity of any kind and communications with selling intentions or other ones of commercial nature without mediating his previous request or consent;
2. To remit anyone other messages not requested neither consented previously to people's plurality;
3. Sending chains of electronic messages not requested neither previously consented
4. Using lists of distribution he can consent to through Services.
5. Putting at the service of third parties, with any purpose, data obtained from lists of distribution
Syselec reserves the right to practice how many actions be available in jure to demand the responsibilities that come from the non-fulfillment of any of the dispositions of these General Conditions of Uso of the Website on behalf of an User..
Syselec will be able to withdraw or stopping at any time and without early-warning need the fringe benefit of the Services to those Users that disobey what's established in the Legal present Aviso and Uso's Conditions.
The declaration of any of these general conditions like void, invalid or inefficient will have no effect on validity or remaining efficacy of them, that they will continue to be binding between the parts. The renunciation for any of you split them to demand in a moment once the fulfillment of a woman of ill repute of the general conditions here stipulated was determined a renunciation will not implicate the fulfillment across-the-board of another condition or conditions, neither will create an appropriated right for the other part.
The fringe benefit of the service of the Website and present General Conditions of Uso of the Website govern themselves for the Spanish Law and in particular for the Law July 11's 34/2002 Servicios of the Information Society and e-commerce, and other agreeing standards. Inasmuch as that way allow it the law, parts, with express waiver to any other jurisdiction that can reciprocate them, agree on submitting to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunales of the city of Madrid.
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