Interpretation of the tarot of the arcana:

Temperance invested-The Lovers-Death invested


The Lovers:

Testing and choice are the themes of this card. It suggests a decision based on intuition rather than intellect, a choice between idealistic love and physical attraction or between love and career. It also means harmony and friendship. Reversed may be assumed hesitation, infidelity, fights and outside interference.

The Lovers mean choice or decision. Union, marriage, love, union of opposites, attraction, balance, openness to inspiration. Overcome tests. Harmony of inner life and the outside world.


Death invested:

These are all that is delayed in finish, the slow agony, duels, failures, the terminally ill, stagnation, lethargy, partial and slow changes, coma, bone problems, and death into life.

It means stagnation, death, and petrification. Incurable illness. Broken marriage. Lack of opportunities, loss hope.


Temperance invested:

Among the highlights we can mention anxiety, impatience, feelings of frustration, sterility, difficulty waiting for things to mature, alcoholism.

Means disorder, conflict, bad combination, fights. Possibility of shipwreck. Disorders.