Interpretation of the tarot of the arcana:

The Tower-The Chariot-Death invested


The Chariot:

It supposed fight and win against superior forces. It can denote prestige and wealth obtained with the sustained effort. Also indicates unexpected news out loud, and fast and luxurious trips. Reversed, it's a warning for controlling physical passions, vanity and cruelty, and suggests the collapse of plans.

The Chariot demonstrates triumph, victory, overcoming obstacles, hope, and conquest. Unexpected good news. Great self-control, ability to determine one's destiny. Great physical and mental strength. Speed. Journey.


Death invested:

These are all that is delayed in finish, the slow agony, duels, failures, the terminally ill, stagnation, lethargy, partial and slow changes, coma, bone problems, and death into life.

It means stagnation, death, and petrification. Incurable illness. Broken marriage. Lack of opportunities, loss hope.


The Tower:

The sudden change is the essence of this card. It may indicate a disaster or unexpected catastrophe and shattered illusions, or a ray of inspiration and an opportunity that leads to happiness. Is strongest when inverted, since it means the collapse of selfishness, ambition destroyed, imprisonment or a broken relationship.

The Tower represents sudden changes without alternative. Collapse, prison escape or release from bondage, accident. The plans fail, unreached intentions. The finger of God. Bankruptcy. Sudden death.