Numerology: number 6 meaning
Element: Earth and Air
Horoscope: Taurus, Libra
Keyword: Mystery
Gemstone: Lapis lazuli
Ruling planet: Venus
Predominant metal: Copper
Geometric symbol: Rhombus
Auspicious day of the week: Friday
The animal you carry within: Dolphin
Favorite colors: Green and White
Organs/gland that dominates your being: Throat and Kidneys
Qualities: Balance, responsibility, Love, Caring, Committed, Protector, Grower, domestic, community-oriented.
Numerology: number 6 meaning
In general, these personalities are shown as calm and serene beings.
They project a lot of energy at work. In the social area are good as communicators and at home, like bourgeois beings with aspirations of comfort. But behind this apparent calm, soon enough it can be detected that their interior has little to do with what they shown on the exterior. However, this is not conscious, they are features of their dual personality, which even themselves not have recognized, and believe they are showing them as they are.
6, very rarely know themselves
They go from one end to the other, between idealism and pessimism and will never be able to establish an exact way of their behavior. So too do with whom they interact and when chooses a friend, they trust him completely, but if for some reason are disappointed, they suffer terribly by discover a truth that always was there.
Personality number 6, is inwardly always looking for safe places for their naive and trusting essence. Possibly to society they behave with skepticism imposed by the medium in which they lives, but their deep need is another, since they already lives.
Although holders of this number are shown in very different ways from each other, share be punctilious and organize and can be absolute certainty that what is in charge of them will not be out of order, even in work where they're usually quite careless. In dedication moments they know how to concentrate and perform their work well. They usually reach prestigious places for their perseverance and thoroughness.
At home they are sympathetic beings with their family
They surround themselves with an aura of warmth and are lovers of the good life. They love to have a good armchair just for them and enjoy comfortable clothes and a good book. They like television, cinema, theater and all artistic expression that represents real life. As in general have the ability to earn money, is not difficult for them to get those little pleasures.
On the social side, they can be nice and fun.
But despite being chatty, their strong shyness prevents them from stand out in meetings, however they put excitement in the relationship with others. However, there comes a time when their participation is inevitably altered, because when it's time to take a decision, will be almost impossible get from a 6 an opinion that reflects what they truly think in front of people who they don't trust.
Number 6 Positive Aspects:
Correction, confidence, ingenuity, loyalty, solidarity, thoroughness, health, wisdom, ability to earn money, tenderness, understanding, loyalty, consideration for others.
Number 6 Negative Aspects:
Manipulation skills, instability, uncertainty, confusion, lack of scruples, extremism, indolence, fatalism, weakness, distraction, lack of precision.
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