3 - The Empress
The Empress:
It is a card from natural, emotional and material abundance. It represents renewal and nourishment; a birth, a creative business, healing after illness. It can mean wealth, rewarded effort and a warm family life. The reverse is extravagance, laziness, maternal tyranny, destruction and waste.
The Empress means understanding, intelligence, and education. Charm, friendliness, elegance, distinction. Courtesy, abundance, wealth. Marriage, fertility, sweetness.
The Empress invested:
Among the negative aspect of this arcane we can find the attitudes of abandonment, unfinished projects, abortion actions in any circumstance of life, excessive sexuality with the loss of self-esteem, difficulties to bear fruit.
It means affectation, pose, frivolity, coquetry, vanity. Disdain, presumption. Unnecessary luxury. Sensitive to flattery. Lack of refinement. Discussions at all levels. Sterility.
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